sexta-feira, 29 de março de 2013

"The Avengers"

Honestly...I watched this movie like a month ago. The reason why I didn't wrote anything for this long is...well, the movie made me sad. I guess I was just expecting too much from a movie that wasn't THAT great anyway.


Let's try and make this as short as possible, shall we? 

1.Way to many characters for one single film. (I know that almost each character had a film of their own, but still... to much information to take in )

2. Well ...I don't get why they try to equal gods, super creatures, iron guys and...hum...some girl and a guy with arrows. These last two characters I just don't understand.

3. If only Thor decided to do his super thunder atack in the begining of the movie....all humanity saved in 5 seconds.

4. Let's see....Captain America works with GODS and still believes there is only one god?! Stubborn little fella...(well I guess we can see those Gods only as super aliens )

5. So, Loki wanted to conquer Earth because he was mad at his brother, his father, adopted, or simply just wanted some bitches to kneil? Seriously...did he actually thought he had a chance against all the Avengers? 
Well, where's what I think. I believe Loki probably just wanted to go back home, and that was the only way he found (in a weird evil adoptive brother kinda way).

p.s. I woudn't mind if the entire world was ruled by a god like THAT....

I have way to many things to say about this movie, but here's a link to a youtube video that says almost everything I want to. ;)

Now... besides all the things I just said I still recommend this film. If you like this kind of movies with lots of action and special effects ----> The Avengers is a great way to burn through some of your boredom.

**The real reason why I watched this movie is Tom Hiddleston. I'm obcessed...Deal with it, BITCHES!!!

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