sexta-feira, 29 de março de 2013

"The Avengers"

Honestly...I watched this movie like a month ago. The reason why I didn't wrote anything for this long is...well, the movie made me sad. I guess I was just expecting too much from a movie that wasn't THAT great anyway.


Let's try and make this as short as possible, shall we? 

1.Way to many characters for one single film. (I know that almost each character had a film of their own, but still... to much information to take in )

2. Well ...I don't get why they try to equal gods, super creatures, iron guys and...hum...some girl and a guy with arrows. These last two characters I just don't understand.

3. If only Thor decided to do his super thunder atack in the begining of the movie....all humanity saved in 5 seconds.

4. Let's see....Captain America works with GODS and still believes there is only one god?! Stubborn little fella...(well I guess we can see those Gods only as super aliens )

5. So, Loki wanted to conquer Earth because he was mad at his brother, his father, adopted, or simply just wanted some bitches to kneil? Seriously...did he actually thought he had a chance against all the Avengers? 
Well, where's what I think. I believe Loki probably just wanted to go back home, and that was the only way he found (in a weird evil adoptive brother kinda way).

p.s. I woudn't mind if the entire world was ruled by a god like THAT....

I have way to many things to say about this movie, but here's a link to a youtube video that says almost everything I want to. ;)

Now... besides all the things I just said I still recommend this film. If you like this kind of movies with lots of action and special effects ----> The Avengers is a great way to burn through some of your boredom.

**The real reason why I watched this movie is Tom Hiddleston. I'm obcessed...Deal with it, BITCHES!!!

quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2013

Tom Hiddleston's Guinea field diary

Tom Hiddleston's Guinea field diary: Day 1: This week, actor Tom Hiddleston set off on his first journey with UNICEF UK to Guinea in West Africa. Tom will be meeting with Guinean children, families and communities. He'll also be visiting several UNICEF projects, finding out about our work in child protection, education, and water and sanitation. Read his first dispatch here.

I wanted to share this with everyone. This honorable man is my inspiration. When I finish college I'm going to help as many as I can. I know for a fact that Guinea is in desperate need of some real doctors.

If you haven't heard yet - this country only has health technicians - I don't know if this is the correct term, I'm trying to translate for the Portuguese term - they are almost the same as nurses. I've learned in college that the conditions are terrible. It's a difficult area and I don't know if I'll make it. I just wish I have the same strenght Hiddleston had. I'm still a long way from graduating (almost 13 years to go...A LONG TIME...) but I'm hoping that then I'll have more courage and strenght to help with someting most people ignore.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank Tom Hiddleston. It's thanks to people like you that I still feel pushed foward to do someting better, to contribute. I know the world will never be perfect, but we have to start somewhere.

Also try to read the rest of the Diary. Here you have the link for Day 1, but there are other posts. 

sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2013

How to survive college in 5 steps!

Dear loving reader, 

Today I decided not to write a movie review and actually write something about myself. I haven’t seen the “Avengers” yet (school has been stealing all my free time…every single tiny second of it… -_-‘’) but don’t worry I am going to see it tonight. I have really high hopes on this one so I’ve been trying to choose the perfect time to watch it. It’s Friday (basically all my free time is invested on the second half part of the day…  :D) and I’m not coming back home this weekend, so it’s the perfect opportunity. The next thing I’ll be publishing will be my review on that.

Anyway I just wanted to write something about my still short college experience. Honestly I was fricking scared at the start. I only knew one person and I’m not exactly what you would refer to as…hum, well the social kind of person (c’mon guys I have a blog named after my boredom…How cool am I? Right?! XD <-these stupid faces don’t help either…). 

I have trouble making friends…maybe I’m just too picky but that wasn’t even the worse problem. The college where I am is in another city, so after 17 years off living under mommy’s wing I would have to survive on my own (just during the week of course :P – I still don’t know how to cook anything…ups, guess I’m not as independent as I thought ). I’d never been on my own before, this was really stressing. I had my own money, responsibilities and I had to keep everything organized. The financial stuff was the worst part…luckily I’m a cheap bastard so I always end up with a lot of money at the end of the month (success saving!). Still the having to live by my own was horrifying.

The first week is always the hardest, and after doing the same shenanigan every week for 6 months you kind of get used to it. Now, let’s get to the real point of why I’m writing this:


 - If you’re going in a university in your town then….just take a chill pill. Your parents are there, your whole entire city is there so chill out. Of course you won’t get to see all your old friends everyday but you’ll get some fresh new ones. Some of these new acquirements will be in my situation. Try and understand their situation and be there for them (then I’ll personally nominate you: FRIEND OF THE YEAR!!! (*insert happy cheering sounds*)).

- If you’re in my situation and you have to deal with the entire “new city, new life” situation, then follow these five simple steps:

Step one – BRACE YOURSELF!!!! 
Make a list of everything you need to survive on your own. I’m not going to do it for you…but, just think of your everyday life and everything you need to live through the day. If you’re not coming back home for the entire semester, then focus on this one.

* It sounds weird but when you’re alone in a new strange place it helps if you bring something from home, something familiar that will lift your spirit when you’re feeling down (and I don’t mean drugs mister…)

Step two – CLEAN ALL THINGS!!! 

You’ll be doing most of your parents tasks (cleaning, laundry, cooking…and stuff) so try and learn how to do all of that while you’re still at home(especially if you are planning on staying the entire semester…I just go back home every weekend to do that XD…lazy me right?!)

Step three – MONEY!!!!

If you’re parents want to handle your financial stuff than fine, don’t worry about it (or should you?! O.O Your parents don’t trust you enough….hum). However, if you have to handle your own money, try and get your parents to teach you the basics (if you don’t already know them than you shouldn’t go to college). And please don’t spend unnecessary money. You’ll just end up with a lot of cool stuff and parties but not really enough to eat…or eventually buy a book (Just be careful with the ones you choose. Most technical books are very expensive and you really don’t need to purchase the entire recommended list).
*If you have to work while you study than I wish you all the luck in the world. I have no experience in that area but this is the internet…you’re bound to find some useful advice. 

Step four –BE NICE!!!
 I never lived in a dorm but I have some house mates so I’ll assume things aren’t that different. What you’ll have to do is respect everyone that lives with you. They might not turn out to be BFF but you’ll at least create a respectful relationship ( and you never know…maybe you’ll become great friends J ).
* Oh….and don’t forget to pay the rent in time, people don’t really like it when I do that…

Step five – Relax and enjoy the ride...

College may sound hard but from what I’ve been told it’s fast as hell and you’ll spend your golden years in it. Remember that everyone is in the same situation and that most people don’t know anyone, so it will be quite easy and fun to discover new lives and people, and you’ll have at least one thing in common with them – you all want to work in the same area. You’ll meet a lot of new faces and you’ll like some more than others, eventually you’ll get yourself a friend for life (I was terrified about this part, but I now have some really awesome friends) – it’s a fact that most people you meet during this time will stay in your life for some long years…I mean you’ll be doing the same thing in the future ;).The trick is to be as relaxed as possible, there’s nothing to be nervous about: you’ll just be entering a new and exciting phase of your life.

And that’s all I have to say about college. Again I’m sorry if you find some misspells and grammar errors in here (you fricking grammar Nazi… -_-‘) as you probably know I’m from Portugal and also there are a lot of memes in this post and I'm sorry if that's kinda weird - I just felt like doing something silly. Nevertheless, thank you so much for reading my crap. I hope this helped you and if you’re going to college – the best of luck to you.

*Oh crap, I almost forgot. There’s one last essential key to survive in college jungle….You actually have to STUDY (it’s not all fun and games – I mean partying and drinking, which is what most people see in a university. Frankly you spend most of your time studying and working as a mad man…)

 *and this is here because...well because it's Tom Hiddleston that's why. :D