sábado, 6 de julho de 2013

Life Update

So...I know I haven't wrote to you random stranger in some time. But yes, I've been busy with this weird thing called college, it's like a thing that's supposed to help you get a better future or something, idk.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that the most marvelous thing happened. I have this really difficult class that most people fail on the first year, and I had it already fixed in my mind that I wasn't going to be able to do it. I was really sad because all my effort would go to waste, and I didn't have any hope. Still I decided to take the exam...and guess what? I DID IT. Of course it wasn't the best of grades, in fact it was the worst possible, but still I did it!!! I FUCKING MADE IT!!!

Okay, the point of me writing this is to tell everyone that has the time to read this:

-Don't ever give up. Even if everything looks like it couldn't be worse, even if you fell like there's just no hope...Don't let go. If you do nothing, you are condemning yourself to fail. But if you just try, you can either lose and do it again, or you can win. It can either be god, angels, luck, or just random chance. Whatever the reason, there is still that one door that will lead you to victory!!!
Yeah, I might be dramatizing this to much, but me completing this class made me cry tears of happiness, and that never happens...NEVER.

Thank You For Reading :)
You are awesome

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