quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013

Why Loki invaded Earth - The Avengers

I have to be honest – I still haven’t seen the “Avengers” (*drowns in tears*). Yeah, yeah…I know, if I haven’t watched it than why am I writing here?! Well, I promise I will see it soon and write something about it, but I still wanna see Iron Man, and time isn’t easy to come by these days.
Anyway, after I saw “Thor” I got obsessed with the story and especially with the character Loki played by Tom HIddleston (don’t judge, you have to admit that he’s great). 

So I was watching some YouTube videos and Tom decided to elucidate everyone on why Loki would like to invade earth. He simply wanted “some bitches to kneel…”. I know what you’re thinking this is not a valid reason, and to that I say- Why not?! I mean if I was a god and my all powerful brother had just won the throne I wanted, I would pick some random planet to conquer. I mean, it’s better than nothing and who doesn’t like to be worshiped by 7 billion harmeless humans?!

I think that’s a pretty good point.
If you’re looking for a more serious and “actually related to the film” answer go check this out:
I don’t know who wrote this but whoever that was, he has my congrats.
 Here's the link to Hiddleston's interview : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGmlkBu6Xko

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