segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

"The Lodger" (2009) - This is a great movie!!!

I was kinda out of ideas for a new post...and also worried I would not be able to write in here again, but I just watched an AWESOME movie and decided to recomend it in here :D.

It's not a recent film, it's from 2009 - "The lodger", inspired in the 1927 movie with the same name by Hitchcock. I just finished watching it and basically the story involves a serial killer that copies the murders of Jack the Riper. All the story is really great, and you only guess who the real killer is in the last 30 seconds...however what I loved the most about the entire story was the relation created between the lodger and the woman who is renting the place. All the tension created between both characters and Simon Baker performance really make you sink into the story.

I need to tell you...honestly, that in the end movie ( talking about innocent people beeing murdered ans stuff) I was actually cheering for the killer.. :/ (can you imagine how messed up this is?!)

I really recomend that you watch this, and if you also have some time...maybe you could also check the original version.

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