sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013

"Thor" -why is Loki the bad guy? (I don't get it XD)

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, then I recommend that you go and see it before you read this ;) .
I must say that I loved the film. It’s not one of those fantastic movies that you will never forget (just my opinion guys...don’t be mad), it’s just the kind of movie that most teens like to see. It has lots of action, romance and to be honest it appeals to the female audience by having the main charecter and his evil brothers played by two of the most gorgeous actors of all time (and that’s basically the main reason why I saw the film. Well, that and the fact that I am planing on watching the Avengers...damn, I still haven’t seen Iron Man XD, there goes my study time).
Now, let’s talk about the actual plot, shall we?
This is the main reason why I decided to write this: Was I the only one cheering for Loki?
I mean, the only thing Loki truly wanted was to gain the approvel of his father and become king of Asgard. And sure...there were probably better ways to get that. Breaking into the kingdom’s vault with some ice Giants may have not been very smart, but in the end all he wanted was to show Odin that he deserved the throne. He had just found he was adopted and that he could never have the throne ( he was the son of the enemy for christ sake, how could Odin ever allow him to be King?!).
Loki’s story is sad. In the end he saw that his father would never aprove what he had done so he just decided to let go. It was the most depressing thing in the movie.
By the way I hate Odin...that guy could obviously see that Thor wasn’t prepared to be king The god of thunder was all about fighting and fighting and Loki was more the thinking type, a master mind suited to be king. Loki truly only wanted the best for everyone (exept his own kind...but who cares about the ice Giants anyway?! Oh...that’s right Thor does....for some reason. In the begining of the movie Thor wanted to destroy the evil frosty enemies and in the end he destroyed the only way to travel in the universe because of them?! Jezz...I just don’t get him. How can two days in earth do that to you? Or maybe it was the influence of love...I don’t know. The ice Giants deserved to die...just look at them, they are evil and live in a ice cube. No one likes them and they spend most of their time frozen. I think that what Loki was doing was the best choice...but I don’t make the story.
In my opinion, and to finally end this article, Loki should have become king and Thor should have stayed back on earth. It would have been a win/win situation (exept for the ice Giants, but as I said-nobody cares)
Before I go I just wanted to say that this movie has made me complety obcessed with Tom Hiddleston ‘s work (I have to say that this guy is a great actor and thank his parents for bringing him into the world XD. I know perfect does not exist, but this guy is conected to some world saving institutions and honestly, he looks like a fricking god – perfect to play the role of a god :P). I now spend most of my time watching every thing that he made...so thank you internet for making me waste all of my precious time with research that will help in...well I can’t find any use for this information right now. Maybe some day it will come in handy.
If you find any errors in my writing. I’m sorry for them I’m Portuguese and my english is not that good :D.

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