sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2013

The Bowl Haircut - Ian Hecox

This is my first post so...I decided to start with a topic that has been bothering me quite a bit - THE BOWL HAIRCUT.

I never really understood why people still have their hairs like that...I mean it kinda looks good on some people but in general's just not that great (no ofense or anything).

Most of you have heard about these silly youtubers - smosh. probably have, so I would just like to say that that guy, Ian....his hair is not all bad. From the videos I've seen the haircut matches his personality just perfectly.

To support this and also justify why in hell I would find a reason to write about this I present to you the definition of Bowl Cut (of course its from Wiki...I'm lazy...OK???):

"A bowl cut, also known as a pot haircut, a helmet haircut or a mushroom cut, is a haircut where the hair is cut short on the sides and back and looking as though someone put a bowl on the head and cut off all the visible hair. A bowl cut is also known for being a cheap and easy haircut often sported by children."

First of all, WTF? Mushroom does'nt even look like a mushroom...but why should you doubt wikipedia, it's like the most accurate source in the world... :P. Also the fact that this is a typicall hair style for kids makes this haircut perfect for Ian Hecox (don't you think?...)

Ohh...I almost forgot...I was watching some of the oldest videos and then I noticed a strange evolution...
It goes from an actual huge bowl ( is that!? is that thing alive?!) to something that resembles a normal haircut....but not quite (it still has that weird looking shape...).

The haircut suits my opinion (you are free to have yours), and I just don't get it when people say that he should change his just wouldnt be the same Ian.

Anyway, that's basically all I can conclude on the bowl subject ...(I don't even know why I'm still writting...) and I also have other things to do like....hummm I dunno....slepping? :P

I hope you find this useful (cause this is a rather important subject....)

p.s. sorry for the english case you haven't noticed I'm Portuguese (you know that tiny piece of land next to spain...that's an actual country with people and stuff...)

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