terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013

Observe - Take a look around...

Take a look around and observe your surroundings. Where are you right now? Are you sitting inside of a dark room? Is there anyone else with you? Are you all alone? Most sources indicate that a majority people read tales of horror by themselves. Something about this genre and medium compel you to experience it in a quiet room, all alone. But why is this? Why subject yourself to fright in solitude? What compels you to purposely scare yourself, to fill your mind with visions of the grotesque and supernatural?
Do you enjoy feeling a sense of, what some deem as, “paranoia”? What thrill can come from becoming suspicious of that shadow moving in the corner of your eye? That shadow that you think “isn’t anything”. Listen closely; is there a noise you hear that was or wasn’t there all along? Take a look around. Is there anything you didn’t notice originally? Is there something different? Is something out of place? That feeling on the back of your neck: is it your imagination or is it just too faint to pin-point?
When you read you expand the limitations of your mind. Clear of auditory and visual distractions, it can push your consciousness to perceive at levels you do not normally reach. The longer you read, the more you become aware. Maybe of things you thought weren’t there. There is a reason why your brain would block out these sensations. No one can be sure why. Maybe your mind is warning you. Maybe there are things you weren’t meant to see. Things you didn’t realize were there. Things that cannot be unseen. Things you cannot forget. Things that shouldn’t be.
Take a look around.
Credit To – crazelord91

Read more at http://www.creepypasta.com/#MiJpLRdjQY7oeBho.99 

quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2013

How to deal with Post-College/Summer Stress

Vacations...Oh the joy!!!!

Well if you are a little kid, maybe. But if you have had a really stressful and harsh time during the past months, it may be hard for you to really go full on Summer mode. Well. if thats not truly your case, then you sir are an awesome and yet mysterious person, that I fail to understand.
Anyway, as I was saying, you may need a little push to enjoy the laziness you deserve. Being a college student in a very energy consuming course, I often have this problem. I just cant seem to be able to relax when I no longer have anything to do. It's just like...work,work,work and then nothing, nada, zero, it's just a very quick transition, and it may be hard for some people to adapt to it.

Here are a few tips on how to get rid of that pos-traumatic stress that follows you around everywhere you go:

1 - Sleep. In modern times sleep is something you don't get, so make sure you lazy out on the world. A little summer hibernation as never hurt anyone.

2 - Go to the beach, go hiking...whatever. Just do stuff that you weren't able to do when working. Just do random stuff that reminds you of freedom, that takes work to a hole different universe.

3 - Go meet up with some old friends. Friends from times when everything seemed for ever, people that really make you happy. I'm not talking about those random friends you meet, I'm talking about your bros.

4 - Try something new. It may be a different hairstyle, a new hobby, a new tradition, like going to a different restaurant, or taking a different route home; it just as to be something that will be related exclusively to your Summer and nothing else. I'm not saying that you should change yourself, I'm just suggesting that you should evolve in some aspect of your life.

5 - Finally, be Happy, fell Amazing and Enjoy life. None of this tips will work if you don't fell joy in every single thing you do. 

Now seriously, being happy may seem hard and sadness may feel like the easiest way out, but it isn't. Happiness gives you everything, whilst sadness never ends and it will just consumes all your light until it goes out and there's nothing left. Listen, if the sun doesn't make you happy, try and enjoy the rain; if the sight of babies smiling at you makes you wanna run, don't look at them; if you just hate your life, Change it. Dude, NO ONE CARES!!! Your happiness is yours to make and preserve. People around you will try and help but they won't be there forever. You have to take care of yourself, and being healthy isn't all about you physical health...it involves your emotions too. After al, they are all a part of the same.
What I'm trying to say is: If you are able to be a happy person in every aspect of your life, then everything you do, everyone you meet will just add, and in the end, you'll think back smile and say: Yes, this was a good ride.

This entire article might sound tacky but it's the truth. I'm ending the post with a "Braveheart" quote, but it just sums up everything I wanted to say: Everyone dies, but not everyone truly lives.

Thank you for reading.
You are awesome

domingo, 7 de julho de 2013

Supernatural - What just happened?! (Season 8 finale)

I remember when Supernatural was all about monsters and demons and it was actually scary, a time when everyone was happy. But then something happened, something that they could never turn their backs from. Angels happened.

I'll be honest with you, at first it was all very strange and new, I wasn't sure what to think about it. Still with time I learned to like the new addition, despite the obvious God problematic. I have learnt that God is lazy and doesn't care, and also that when he cares, it only involves a specific individual or problem, not something big and mighty like you would expect from God...But that's a story for a different time.

Now, back to the angel theme. When watching Supernatural I was told that Angels have amazing, hideous and scary forms that only prophets can see, and that, before descending to earth, they take a human form (with their permission of course). Now here's the problem, why and how do they take their human forms back to heaven? How do they time travel with a human "meat bag"? HOW?! Please enlighten me, cause I have no idea. And at the end of season 8,when heaven shuts it's doors, you just see an awesome clip with a bunch of angels falling from the sky, their wings burning like they were paper.......Wait, WHAT?!

  • Fact 1 - Wings burning?! What wings ?! Weren't normal humans blind to them? Or did just everyone turn into a prophet instantly?

  • Fact 2 - They are falling...IN HUMAN FORMS?! What? Were they previously informed of what was about to happen, and took the time to go down on earth and convince a human to be their "suit" and then came back up, just to fall back down? And how are their human forms in heaven? Sam and Dean had to "die" to get up there, weren't souls the only ones allowed or did that rule change to?

  • Fact 3 - You all remember that one episode in which we are told the story of Castiel's human body, right? Okay, now forget all about that guy, he is completely dead. There is just nothing left of him. When the angel is turned into a human (What? An angel turned into a human just like that? That sound completely logic), you would expect him to be bipolar...but no, his human body, the soul he completely ruined, just gave up, and decided to be there latent for the rest of his life, even when the only thing he has to fight of is an inexpedient fresh made mortal.

Now, that's just all I wanted to say. If you have an explanation for this please feel free to tell me in the comment section bellow.
I hope I didn't take much of your time, and thank you for taking the actual time to read this :) .

You are awesome

sábado, 6 de julho de 2013

Life Update

So...I know I haven't wrote to you random stranger in some time. But yes, I've been busy with this weird thing called college, it's like a thing that's supposed to help you get a better future or something, idk.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that the most marvelous thing happened. I have this really difficult class that most people fail on the first year, and I had it already fixed in my mind that I wasn't going to be able to do it. I was really sad because all my effort would go to waste, and I didn't have any hope. Still I decided to take the exam...and guess what? I DID IT. Of course it wasn't the best of grades, in fact it was the worst possible, but still I did it!!! I FUCKING MADE IT!!!

Okay, the point of me writing this is to tell everyone that has the time to read this:

-Don't ever give up. Even if everything looks like it couldn't be worse, even if you fell like there's just no hope...Don't let go. If you do nothing, you are condemning yourself to fail. But if you just try, you can either lose and do it again, or you can win. It can either be god, angels, luck, or just random chance. Whatever the reason, there is still that one door that will lead you to victory!!!
Yeah, I might be dramatizing this to much, but me completing this class made me cry tears of happiness, and that never happens...NEVER.

Thank You For Reading :)
You are awesome